

Starship Troopers

28  FEB
A new kind of enemy. A new kind of war.

Directed by  Paul Verhoeven
Written by  Robert A. Heinlein, Edward Neumeier
Starring:  Casper Van Dien (Johnny Rico)
Denise Richards (Carmen Ibanez)
Neil Patrick Harris (Carl Jenkins)
Dina Meyer (Dizzy Flores)
Michael Ironside (Jean Rasczak)
Clancy Brown (Sgt. Zim)
Runtime: 129 minutes

If you are prepared to switch off your brain for about two hours, if you like science fiction, if you are not completely disgusted by gore, dismembered people and bugs, and if you don't dislike soap-operas, then this movie is almost surely for you. However, don't try to think in a serious way about it, otherwise everything will torn apart and you're left with a pretty poor and long episode of Beverly Hills 90210.

The story is set in the future where space travels are common, the military government rules the whole human society (although apparently there are no wars on the planet... probably because the american culture conquered the whole world...) and the only aliens we found in the universe are a sort of big insects. These (and other) informations are presented through various newsreel breaks, using a typical click-for-more Internet style, which are scattered throughout the whole movie, an idea already seen in Robocop, not surprisingly directed by the same person.

It may be unexpected, at first, to see a lot of young and terribly good-looking boys and girls starring in a sort of war movie. However, it is soon made evident that this is not fortuitous but it is just part of the many humourous bits (which I hope were all planned, not unintentional!). The whole movie is full of contrasting situations, clean and dirt, good and bad, niceness and hate, unfortunately you push the plot to the limit if you try to go too deeply into these concepts!

In fact, the plot holes (just like the bug holes that the soldiers were instructed to 'nuke' by their charismatic leader) are almost everywhere and it is far too easy to fall into them and spend two hours wondering how the whole story could stand up. It is particularly worth noting that almost everybody on Earth thought that the aliens were stupid bugs ("I've never seen an insect with a brain" says a supposed 'expert' in one of the newsreels) even if they have been able to fire a big meteor from their distant planet directly to Buenos Aires (where all the main characters came from)!

The very distinctive quality of this movie are the special visual effects. Huge bugs and human actors fight in amazing battles and the starships explodes and collides in a very effective way. Incidentally, computer generated characters acts much better than the 'real' actors. The movie could have been improved by casting better actors, thickening the political aspects of the plot and removing the most feeble love stories, leaving only the strong excitement of the action scenes which are still a good reason to see this movie (if you like the genre, of course).

Rating: 7.2  ***

Links:  Official Site




© Copyright Sergio Monesi, 1997-1999.
Last updated: 25 Jun 1999