

Star Wars

22  MAR
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Directed by  George Lucas
Written by  George Lucas
Starring:  Harrison Ford (Han Solo)
Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker)
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)
Alec Guinness (Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi)
Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin)
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)
David Prowse (Lord Darth Vader)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO)
Kenny Baker (R2-D2)
Runtime: 121 minutes
Farmboy Luke Skywalker (Hamill) finds more than he bargained for when he gains possession of two androids (Daniels & Baker), who lead him on the adventure of his life to save a beautiful princess (Fisher), befriend a devil-may-care space smuggler (Ford), and save the galaxy from the evil clutches of Darth Vader (Prowse/Jones). Tutored by the mysterious Obi Wan Kenobi (Guiness), Luke must "Learn the ways of the Force." - arlequino@aol.com

It is difficult for me to criticize this cult movie but I didn't enjoyed too much seeing it at the cinema (not that I ever considered it a great movie, even when I say it on TV ages ago...).

I am not saying that it is a bad movie, it is a good SF movie, the special effects are acceptable (but not exceptional, most of them haven't been changed from the 1977 version) and the story is original.

However, at the beginning the plot is quite slow, there isn't much action, the noises made by the droids are irritating and the character of Luke isn't particularly charming (at least from my point of view, of course!).

As the story goes on, some nice characters are introduced (Han Solo and Chewbacca are my preferred ones) but there are a lot of major flaws in the plot, the action is somewhat poor and the scenes supposed to be funny aren't really amusing.

One really irritating thing is that in the various scenes where people shot each other using the lasers, a lot of shots didn't actually hit anybody (on both sides) and at the end of any combat the good characters managed to escape (or to break in) regardless of the number of (supposedly trained and properly equipped) enemies! Another thing that I found rather stupid is the apparent need to run through that canal across the Death Star in order to hit that silly Achilles heel... OK, the action seemed quite adventurous but wasn't it better to enter the tunnel near the end of it since there seems to be no difference in approaching a sphere from a different angle rather than come near it as soon as possible and then run on its highly defended surface...

Finally, some of the additions made in the "Special Edition" are a bit too detached from the rest of the background (except the new 'Jabba scene' that seemed to be very well made) and I always thought that 'digital sound' meant 'better quality' not just 'higher volume'...

Rating: 7.2  ***

Links:  Official Site




© Copyright Sergio Monesi, 1997-1999.
Last updated: 25 Jun 1999